Terms and conditions:

All data shared when entering the North East Culture Awards will be used for administration ONLY. Information provided in the entry form will be viewed by the judging panel. Shortlisted finalists will have a short biography about them added to the awards website which will be based on the content of their submitted entry form. Therefore, if your entry contains confidential information that you do want to be shared please email the event manager with the details immediately.

Reach plc and members of its group will not use your data for any marketing purposes outside of these awards unless you give us consent.

All details will be deleted one year from the event date; 28 November 2025.

We take data protection seriously, and your data will only be shared with third parties with your consent or processed in accordance with our Privacy Notice. Please see our privacy notice for details as to how we process your personal data.

Terms & conditions

The awards are free to enter. By submitting this form you confirm that all of the details in the application are correct to the best of your knowledge and believe that no pertinent information has been withheld.

Entries can only be accepted for nominees who are based within the North East of England.

Nominees can be entered into more than one category, providing that the specific application criteria is fulfilled. Separate and bespoke applications should be made for each award.

Entries must be received no later than the deadline shown on the event website - www.necultureawards.com . No liability for entries lost or delayed in transmission will be accepted.

Third parties can make applications on behalf of nominees, providing the nominee is aware of the entry and has approved the content in the application form.

Other criteria may apply for a number of the award categories; see each award for details.  Entrants will need to make available whatever additional relevant information is required by the judges to assist them in reaching a decision.

All entrants must declare whether they, or the organisation/business/community group they represent, are/could be involved in any dispute or judgement that could in any way significantly interfere with the proper conduct or reputation of the organisers of the awards.

Partners are not permitted to enter the category which they are in partnership with.

After the closing date, the judging panel will complete a shortlist of finalists for each category. The judging panel will decide the overall winner of each category.

The judges reserve the right to merge or split categories if the level of entrants warrants this.

You agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the competition and abide by the judges' decision on all matters relating to the awards.

We may consider your nomination in a different category or for different Awards produced by ChronicleLive, TeessideLive or The Journal if the research team or judges decide it is appropriate.

The event organisers reserve the right to change judging deadlines should circumstances necessitate.

The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into before or after judging. Please note that the Editor of ChronicleLive, TeessideLive or The Journal reserves the right to overrule the judges’ decision, should it be deemed necessary.

After the closing date our judging panel will complete a shortlist of finalists for each category. The shortlisted candidates will be invited to the relevant event.

The organisers reserve the right to publicise the results of the competition and use winning entries in press releases and published case histories.

Reach plc reserves the right to publicise the results (including the names of any winners or nominees) of the Awards Event and use winning entries in press releases and published case histories. Accordingly, it is a condition of entry that Awards Events participants will cooperate with the media in relation to any such publication or Awards Events marketing material.

Awards winners may refer to the Awards Event in their own publicity material, following prior approval by Reach plc and the organisers of such material. Reach plc may provide instructions as to how Award winners may display any Awards Events marks or marketing material, which the winners and entrants agree to comply with. Reach will not approve any publicity material which is offensive, obscene, derogatory in nature or defamatory to any third party.

Awards are non-transferable.

Reach plc reserves the right to amend or update these Terms at any time to comply with law or meet its changing business requirements without notice to you. Any updates or amendments will be published on the applicable Event’s website.

Under no circumstances shall Reach plc be liable to you or the organisation you represent for any of the following, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise: any indirect or consequential losses, loss of revenue or anticipated revenue, loss of savings or anticipated savings, loss of business opportunity, or loss of profits or anticipated profits. Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or restrict Reach’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of Reach.

Ticket sales

These terms and conditions (“ Terms ”) apply to Events which are delivered by Reach Publishing Services Limited (company number 08339522) is a private limited company incorporated and registered in England with its registered office located at One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London. E14 5AP a subsidiary of Reach Plc and members of its group ( “Reach” “we”, “us”, “our” ). An “ Event ” refers to a conference, trade show or awards ceremony. References to “ you ” or “ your ” shall mean the individual, organisation or business entering or registering for an Event and references to “ we ”, “ us ” or “ our ” shall mean Reach. 

1. In order to purchase a ticket for an Event, you must: be at least 18 years old (or the age of legal capacity in the country of purchase) and able to enter into legally binding contracts; and you must fill out the corresponding online booking form.

2. By purchasing a ticket for an Event ( “Ticket(s)” ), you agree to these Terms and confirm that all of the details you provide to us are correct to the best of your knowledge.

3. If you are purchasing Ticket on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that company or other legal entity (and these Terms and references to "you" refer and apply to that company or other legal entity).

4. If you purchase a Ticket from us, the Ticket forms a legally binding contract that is subject to: (i) these Terms; (ii) any other terms and conditions of the Event and/or Event partner(s); and (iv) any venue terms and conditions (including conditions of entry).

5. By purchasing one or more Tickets from us, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree with these Terms or any other applicable terms and conditions, or if you cannot comply with any of them, then you must not purchase a Ticket.

6. Tickets may be subject to certain restrictions on entry or use, such as a minimum age for entry. Said restrictions notified to you before or at the time of Ticket purchase. It is your responsibility to ensure that you read all information notified to you. If you or any guests under your booking are refused admission because of a failure to meet or prove that you/they meet any restrictions (e.g. a minimum age requirement) then Reach will not be responsible.

7. Start times of Events may be subject to change and door opening and closing times of a venue stated in relation to an event are not indicative of the Event’s start or end time.

8. Accepted methods of payment include Visa and MasterCard debit or credit cards.

Your data

9. Any personal data you share with us when booking a ticket for an Event will be used for Event administration purposes only. Information provided in the entry form will be viewed by the judging panel. Shortlisted finalists will have a short biography about them added to the awards website which will be based on the content of their submitted entry form. Therefore, if your entry contains confidential information that you do want to be shared please email the event manager with the details immediately.

10. We will not use the personal data you provide to us for any marketing purposes unless you give us consent to do so. Furthermore we will not share your personal data with any third parties for their marketing purposes unless you give us consent to do so.

11. Please see our privacy notice and cookie notice, available here , for more information about how we collect, use and store your data.


12. You will not be entitled to a refund from Reach if (i) you purchase a Ticket for an Event and subsequently you are unable to attend or do not wish to attend the Event; (ii) your Ticket is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed following receipt or collection by you; or (iii) you attend the Event but are refused entry or asked to leave the venue because you have not adhered to the Event’s or the venue’s restrictions and or rules.

13. Reach reserves the right to withdraw or cancel any Event at any time. If the Event is cancelled or withdrawn for any reason (including because of any circumstances beyond its reasonable control or by any act or omission of any third party) Reach shall notify you of the cancellation as soon as possible however, we cannot guarantee that you will be informed of such cancellation, rescheduling or alteration before the date of the event. It is your responsibility to ascertain whether an Event has been cancelled, rescheduled or altered and the date and time of any rescheduled Event. Reach will propose an alternative date for the Event in circumstances where an Event can be rescheduled. If the Event cannot be rescheduled of if you inform us you are unable to attend on the proposed alternative date within 7 days of the Reach proposing an alternative date, Reach will provide you with a full refund of the Ticket price. Reach shall not be in breach of these Terms by virtue or that Event cancellation or Event abandonment.

Limitation of Liability

14. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we (including our affiliates, subsidiaries, and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, legal representatives and sub-contractors) shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage to any person (including you) or property howsoever caused: (a) in any situation where there is no breach of contract or a legal duty of care owed by us; (b) in situations where such loss or damage is not directly as a result of any such breach (except for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence); or (c) to the extent that any increase in any loss or damage results from your negligence or breach by you of any of the Terms and/or any other applicable terms and conditions and/or any applicable laws or regulations.

15. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we (including our affiliates, subsidiaries, and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, legal representatives and sub-contractors), shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential losses or loss of data, profits, revenue, earnings, goodwill, reputation, or any exemplary, special or punitive damages, arising directly or indirectly from your use of the Tickets. In particular please note that: (a) personal arrangements and expenditure, including travel, accommodation, hospitality and other costs and expenses incurred by you relating to an event which have been arranged by you are at your own risk, and we shall not be responsible or liable to you for any wasted or unrecoverable costs or expenditure in relation to such personal arrangements, even if caused as a result of the cancellation, rescheduling or alteration of an event for which you have purchased Tickets; and (b) We shall not be responsible or liable to you for any loss of enjoyment or amenity, including where an Event has been cancelled, rescheduled or altered; and (c) We shall not be responsible or liable to you (and you will not be entitled to any refund) if admission to a venue or event is refused or revoked at any time as a result of your breach of any of the Events’ or venues’ restrictions, terms and conditions.

16. Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, our liability to you in connection with an Event (including, but not limited to, for any cancellation, rescheduling or alteration of an Event) shall be limited to the price paid by you for the Ticket(s).

17. We are not responsible for the actions or failures of any venue, or other Event partner. Under no circumstances shall we be liable for death or personal injury suffered by you or your guests arising out of attendance at an Event, unless caused by our negligence. Neither shall we be liable for any loss or damage sustained to your property or belongings, or those of any guests under your booking, attending an Event.

18. We will not be liable to you for failure to perform any of our obligations under these Terms to the extent that the failure is caused by a force majeure event (meaning any cause beyond our reasonable control including without limitation, acts of God, war, insurrection, riot, civil disturbances, acts of terrorism, fire, explosion, flood, theft of essential equipment, malicious damage, strike, lock out, pandemic, epidemic, weather, third party injunction, national defence requirements, acts or regulations of national or local governments). This clause does not affect the terms of any clauses specifically providing for a right of refund.

19. Nothing in these Terms seeks to exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, fraud or other type of liability which cannot by law be excluded or limited.


20. Reach reserves the right to refuse a booking, or to cancel a booking with a full refund.

21. The menu is fixed, with special dietary needs catered for by prior arrangement. Allergies must be advised in advance of the evening.

22. Reach reserves the right to ask individuals to leave an event due to inappropriate behaviour.

23. Reach reserves the right to amend or update these Terms at any time to comply with law or meet its changing business requirements without notice to you. Any updates or amendments will be published on the applicable Event’s website.

24. Reach shall be entitled to assign our rights and obligations under these Terms provided that your rights are not adversely affected

25. Nothing contained within these Terms and no action by you or us pursuant to these Terms shall create, or be deemed to create, a partnership, joint venture, or establish a relationship of principal and agent.

26. No third party shall have any rights to enforce any of these Terms pursuant to the Contracts (Right of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.

27. These Terms (including any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with these Terms) are governed by English law and are subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts.